Select Currencies
Add all the currencies required to the basket and fill in your information
Whether you're going to Australia or Thailand, we've got you covered. With a choice of over 40 currencies
Whether you're going to Australia or Thailand, we've got you covered. With a choice of over 40 currencies
Locate your nearest UK Paidx store. Order your currency online and collect in-store.
Whether you’re looking to convert your pounds to dollars, euros or any other currency,
Whether you're going to Australia or Thailand, we've got you covered. With a choice of over 40 currencies
In addition, we source and distribute large quantities of foreign currency banknotes for customers on a wholesale basis including central banks and international financial institutions.
We value your money and your the privacy as much as you do.
Our Support team is every time ready to help you.
Received your money in seconds
Add all the currencies required to the basket and fill in your information
Confirm the collection date and add your payment information
Collect your currencies in-store
1USD = 440.03NGN
1Dirham = 119.80NGN
1GBP = 502.001NGN
1ALL = 3.7012NGN
1EUR = 438.419NGN
1ARS = 2.76514NGN